
Thursday, 8 December 2016

Hour Of Code

So yesterday on Wednesday we went to our buddy class (Rm 2) and did CODING.
First of all we watched a video about how famous people that created there websites and how they started VERY small with coding. First, whats coding. Coding is where you can make websites gifs and LOADS of other stuff asociated with the Computer. After we wathed the video we started buddying up (I Buddied up with my Brother). Then we had a choice what to code. Me and my brother picked minecraft. By the way it wasn't REAL minecraft it was about you using these codes to move and make it to the end by moving foward (Left/Right) with codes or do specfic stuff like place blocks and place torces mine ore and a whole buch of stuff. Me and my brother made it to level 14 and got our coding certifecate. It might sound really easy but it's actually pretty hard. Also you can try it out for yourself. is the website.

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